
Ujedinjeni europski fandom :)

Znam da nije bass zabavno stavljati karikature ljudi koje nitko ne zna, ali kad su mi ovi crtezzi dragi. Bio je to neki ubibogadosadan okrugli stol u Pazinu na kojem se priccalo kako natjerati Amerikance da ccitaju europski SF pa sam imao vremena djeljati neke portretiche. Lijevo: Michael Iwoleit (D), desno: Boris Švel (HR).


Design senseless

This started as an idea for "Funny Comics Show" competition comic on the theme of vampires. The idea vas to do a little story whose panels would spell "VAMPIRES" with their black and white contrasts: the first one would be a close up on a vampire's face (with a trademark widow's peak), the second one would be a white huddled victim in the shadow of an approaching vampire etc ... I should have unloaded that idea onto someone with more design sense than me because I haven't made much progress since these initial doodles. There's a reason why I write scripts more often than I draw, after all.


Lanjski snijeg

Ovo je nacrtano za Bozzich lani ...

... bumo vidli hoche li mi sutra nessto novo pasti na pamet. :)


Sean Pencil

I don't do caricatures very often because I'm plain not good enough at them. It takes me a hundred tries and a couple of days in order to "decipher" somebody's face to the point that I like it (which is usually halfway from the proper caricature to the wiggle I could use for a face in a comic). This quick Sean Penn sketch is, therefore, an exception: it came out on the third or fourth try while watching that Woody Allen movie where Sean plays a guitar player second only to Jango Reinhardt. Or something like that.


Što je sad ovo?

Cijela je pricca dugaccka i neinteresantna, ali mozzda neophodna. Kako ja vech godinama (ne)radim za Egmont, tako dobijam i njihova izdanja (na danskom; svaki pravi strip fan u Hrvata vech ima barem jedno od tih) i pripremne materijale na engleskom. E, ti su u vidu fotokopija stranica koje onda ja rabim za ssaranje s druge strane. Ponekad se crtezz prozire i ponekad ne mogu odoljeti da ga ofrlje ne trejsam. Ovo je rezultat ofrlje trejsanja jednog od takvih kadrova. Tekst je improvizacija, jasno.

Thumb? Lips?

Tom Spurgeon recently described himself as "thumb with lips". That spurred me to try and draw such a simple character. In the end, it reminds me of early Trondheim's work too much.


Ich forma ...

Nisam znao ssto da pametno stavim na poccetak pa sam stavio sebe. Svidja mi se linija, model bass i ne.