... which I don't have. I would like to do a slow, elegant drawings, redraw them a ziilion times to approach perfection, but the bigger part of me just wants to do as much stuff done as possible.
So, only occassional sketch kinda approaches that idea of elegance.
... pa su ljudi fini pa ponekad aploudaju negdje ono što im se nacrta na konvenciji te tako ne bude sve prepussteno nejasnom sjechanju. Evo ođe jedne Elektre (za Acu), onako kako je ja doživljavam, više od 20 let nakon što sam je pročitao.
... that I like especially well, nor the 70s looking hero, but the addedd dimension od the text (although incomprehensible). Ah, the magic of comics in a nutshell. For me, at least.